Our Q&A Series GDL books help you study and pass exams. Each Q&A Series book covers an LLB module.
Each Q&A Series book contains high-quality written test questions, answers, and concepts that cover significant themes simply.
Scenario essays and issue question responding help you get to the point. We educate you how to apply what you've learned to problem-solving and essay-writing Q&As.
Each core GDL module has a Q&A book. Below are the Q&A books' topics. Check out the samples to learn about our books.
This Q&A Series complements the Core series texts. This book teaches students how to organise an answer after they understand the cases and broad ideas. It's a thorough collection of fundamental information to help law students grasp the GDL curriculum. It gives students questions and answers utilising basic concepts, ratio decidendi, and how to apply the case. Universities often utilise the questions we answer in these publications for assignments, coursework, and exams.