Your study and test success will be aided by our Q&A Series books. Each Law Society of Ireland, FE-1 module is covered in one of the Q&A Series books. Each book in the Q&A Series has clear, high-quality written exam questions, answers, and ideas that address important topics. Getting to the point is made easier by scenario essays and problem question answers. We teach you how to use what you have learned to answer questions on problem-solving and essay-writing. The subjects covered in the Q&A books are listed below. To find out more about our books, look at the samples.
The Core series books are supplemented by this Q&A Series. Following the Core Series general concepts, students are taught how to organise a response in this Series. It is a comprehensive compilation of foundational knowledge to aid law students in understanding the Law Society of Ireland, FE-1 curriculum. It provides students with questions and answers that draw on fundamental ideas, ratio decidendi, and case application. The questions and answers in these books are often used by universities for examinations, coursework, and assignments.